Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Too Tired for Eloquence

It's 8:10 pm and if the three year old weren't WIDE AWAKE, I would have been in bed 2 hours ago. Ugh. I have a cold, but also the Follistim makes me exhausted. Bleh.

Anyway, I'm too tired for an expansive post, but the bottom line was that there was decent news this morning. It appears that one follicle has decided to be dominant and the others are shrinking away. So much for quadruplets...

As always, the details are in my Google Spreadsheet for IUI #6.

Oh, and good news: While it is still quite low compared to what a normal human would expect, my estrogen finally went up! It was 113 today. Whoo hoo. Dr. Amazing was covering monitoring today and he reminded me that this is my last IUI cycle. I'm glad he hasn't forgotten, because I sure haven't.

That's really all I have energy for. I hope you all are well. I've been reading, but have been so swamped, I haven't been able to comment much. Sorry!


Dr. Grumbles said...

Did you really want quads? If so, my sympathies. :)

Things sure sound better. Best of luck!

Kellie with an "ie" said...

OMG, we are kindred spirits. I'll be undergoing my first IUI hopefully in the next month and was trying to figure out some way of keeping track of the whole process. I love and adore and am going to steal your IUI spreadsheet. Hope that's okay! Thanks for the great idea.

I'll be checking back often hoping to see wonderful news from you soon.

Maredsous said...

Thank you thank you thank you for the google spreadsheet! I wish everyone did that. Then I could analyze my chances much more efficiently.

Wow, three from a E2 of 400. That is awesome. Very funny about the post of fear of quadruplets or triplets.
