Sunday, February 04, 2007

And the Fun Just Keeps On Coming

Another monitoring appointment this morning. I have 3 follicles on the Right Ovary measuring 11.8 and one measuring 11.6. If I end up with four mature follicles at trigger time, my doctor will cancel the cycle. My completely useless Left Ovary has one follicle measuring 8.8. Not impressive, but that's fine since I've got four contenders on the Left.

I'm not too worried about this cycle being cancelled because of over-responding. I've certainly never had that problem, even in the cycles when it looked worrisome at this point. I'm more concerned about my wonky estradiol levels and the fact that these follicles are only at 11.8 on CD12, which is quite a bit smaller than in my last cycle at this point (on the same dosages). It almost seems as if my response has gotten worse with each successive cyle, but it might be me overreacting. In fact, it probably IS me over reacting, since I know they've been fine-tuning my protocol with each cycle, so I wouldn't necessarily have the same response as previous cycles. For example, my 2nd IUI cycle went on FOREVER, in part because of the teeney weeney dosages. But now I'm on slightly higher dosages which means faster, but different response. I get that in theory, it's just frustrating right now. I'm sure I'll feel better once I get my E2 and LH levels back. I'm somewhat annoyed right now.

Actually, the reason I'm annoyed is because I had a sonographer and not a doctor today. It really irritates me that I haven't been getting an actual doctor on the weekends. It's one thing when it's my beloved Margaret running the ultrasound. But no offense to Julie (the person covering today), but she's just not Margaret. She didn't let me look at the ultrasound display at all, so I couldn't see anything for myself. And I also know that when there are different people measuring each time, it's not necessarily great for comparison, since some people measure differently. Plus, I know I could have asked Margaret to send in Dr. O (the doctor theoretically covering monitoring today, even though I never saw her). I really wanted to ask if there was any possibility that my wacky estrogen response this cycle and last could be fallout from the miscarriage. I know it probably isn't related, and it won't make a difference even if it is, but I wanted to ask. It's very rare that I have questions for my doctor because honestly, I'm pretty well-read on this stuff, and I trust the care I'm getting. But it would have been nice to have the option to speak with Dr. O today. I think I'll call Dr. Amazing this week.

I'm to return on Tuesday unless I hear otherwise after my bloodwork comes back. I think it's possible that they'll ask me to return tomorrow, but not necessarily likely. My guess is I'll stay at the same dosage (which was bumped to 83 IUs as of Friday), but I suppose it doesn't much matter. If I go back tomorrow, I won't call Dr. Amazing, since I'll be speaking to my nurse in the afternoon. I love my nurse... she knows me very well, and while we had a bit of a rocky start (she used to have a hard time remembering specifics about me), I've been around long enough at this point that she knows me really well, remembers the important things, and we have an incredibly good relationship. When she called me with my results and protocol on Friday she said that I should increase to 83 IUs and return on Sunday. I said that was fine and that I'd already set up an appointment for Sunday and she said, "I don't know what I'm going to do when you get pregnant! I'm going to have to find another patient who always knows exactly what to do." I told her I was pretty sure I could do this without all the doctors and she agreed. She's been there, done that, and has twins via IVF, so she gets it.

One final note: Thalia mentioned in a comment to my questions post that in the UK I'd be required to take a couple months off between IUI cycles because any kind of ovarian stimulation is regarded as needing a break between cycles. I can understand this to a point, but it still confuses me a bit. I do understand that you don't want to muck too much with your body's natural processes. But on the other hand, is it not reasonable to believe that there's an enormous difference between trying to stimulate ovaries to produce one egg and trying to stimulate ovaries to produce 20 eggs. So while I could see taking a month or two off after every two or three IUI cycles, I find it odd that there would need to be a blanket policy of taking 2-3 months off after EVERY IUI cycle. I would think one would want to look at that on a case by case basis. Probably none of my readers know that I'm a dual citizen of the US and UK and it is my goal to move to the UK eventually, but the timing has never been right. We can't move out of the State we live in, much less the country given the status of our foster son at this point. And beyond that, I'm not certain I would want to move while in the middle of all this fertility stuff, particularly since protocols between the US and UK seem to differ widely. I don't think one protocol is better than the other, but moving to something completely different seems overwhelming, at best. Ah well, I hope it will happen eventually.

UPDATE: Shit! (pardon my language) Not so much with feeling better now that my levels are back. E2: 67.5, LH: 2.5. This means my E2 levels have dropped. In fact, I snuck a look at my record after my monitoring appointment (they left it up on the computer monitor, so I couldn't resist a peak) and my E2: level had actually be 71.8 on Wednesday, not 71.5 as it was on Friday. So it's dropped twice in a row now. DRAT! Why in heaven's name is my body doing this? This is utterly ridiculous. Anywho, increase dosage to 91 IUs tonight and tomorrow night and return on Tuesday. Joy of freaking Joys.END OF UPDATE


Kris said...

I'm sorry about the drop. Fingers crossed that the increased dose does the trick. Hoping for the best for you on your Tuesday scan.

Dr. Grumbles said...

I am hoping all this works for you!