Monday, December 18, 2006

Fun Times Ahead

So I had 11 vials of blood drawn today. First, I went to Ye Old Fertility Clinic to have a blood draw to see if I could start taking Provera today. I have to admit I had these silly romantic notions in my head of not needing the Provera. I had this weird feeling last week that maybe I was ovulating (like I would know what that feels like? Duh! I told you it was a silly romantic notion!) . And well, not that you need that much detail, but it seemed like a good time for my husband and me to spend some quality time together. And gosh wouldn't it be funny if ... ?

Yeah, see, I knew you'd think it was ridiculous.

Ahem. Back to my story.

During my "lunch" break this afternoon, I went to Ye Old Phlebotomy Lab to have another 10 vials of blood drawn for the thrombophilia panel that Dr. Amazing wants done. While I was at Ye Old Phlebotomy Lab, my doctor called. But not Dr. Amazing. I mean Dr. T., the original Dr. Wonderful. She called to let me know that I could start Provera tonight. Yeah, definitely no ovulation occurring naturally. So much for my ridiculous romantic notions. Oh well.

She also said she was very sorry to have to talk to me again so soon, and that even though she knows I'm really an optimist (I am? Really? Huh?) that it isn't easy to have such a loss. She asked if I had any questions for her about the plan Dr. Amazing had laid out for me in her absence and I don't really. I did want to hear her opinion about it, since she knows me best. She agreed with Dr. Amazing's assessment, and said it would be a good idea to have the thrombophilia panel done (good, since I'd just had 10 vials of blood drawn from me), and she agreed that the risk/benefit ratio of taking metformin in the first trimester shifts if there's a history of miscarriage (in other words, she agrees that it's worth it to stay on the metformin if I get pregnant again). All in all it was a very good conversation.

At any rate, it was the first time I'd talked to Dr. T. since I was eight weeks pregnant. But she's officially back from maternity leave though she is transitioning primarily to the Columbia office. I'm faced with a decision I don't really want to make. I can keep Dr. T. as my primary doctor and just deal via phone consult if I need to talk to her directly (this doesn't happen very often), or I can change to having Dr. Amazing as my primary doctor. This really doesn't make a huge difference either way, since the doctors rotate the monitoring appointments and they work as a team for the most part.

I love Dr. T. Completely. I adore her. She listens to me, she takes my concerns seriously, she gives me serious answers to all of my questions and she always makes me feel as if she's got all the time in the world to talk to me, whether in person or over the phone. I also really like Dr. Amazing. I think they are both fabulous doctors. I think they both listen to me as if I'm a real person and not patient number 333687 (yes, I really do have my patient ID number memorized, and no, that's not the real number). While I do like the idea of having my doctor physically accessible in Rockville... does it really make a difference? I don't have consults very often... really only when things aren't going right. And Dr. T. works just fine via phone (and she will be at the Rockville office once a month and Columbia isn't THAT far away).

I dunno. I think I'll just get through this next cycle and go from there.

Yeah. That sounds about right.

Meanwhile, beware! I'm taking Provera, and it ain't gonna be pretty. IUI #5 (for real this time) here we come!

1 comment:

Dr. Grumbles said...

Good luck with the Provera!

(and romantic notions are what keep us sane, don't regret them!)