Tuesday, February 13, 2007

IUI tomorrow (aka My Life As a Cliche)

It's snowing/sleeting/whatever here right now. Schools will probably be cancelled tomorrow. And of course this is on IUI day. Which leads to the mad scramble to figure out how to handle having to be at Shady Hell, but still having early morning coverage for J, given that we can't just take him to school as per usual.

So my mother, grandmother extraordinaire, is coming over tonight and spending the night so that she can be with J in the morning (we are assuming that school will, indeed, be cancelled) and we'll have to figure out the rest of the day after the appointment. This leads to the rather uncomfortable situation in which I had to (yet again) disclose to my mother that we had appointments at Shady Hell tomorrow. Non-reschedulable appointments. So she's not stupid, so she knows exactly why we're going. And I find this supremely annoying. I do try to minimize the number of people in real-life who know when exactly my IUIs are scheduled and when I'm in the two week wait. I hate that she can't help but give me meaningful glances and all that garbage. It's not her fault, but I am still irritated. Nevertheless, I'm extraordinarily grateful that she's willing to come over in the middle of nasty weather to take care of J for us on absolutely no notice.

Another fine reason I wish I didn't have a full-time job. I hate working. But that's another story.

In other news, I can't find my IVF info packet ANYWHERE, which is not good because it contains the consents that S and I need to sign. I was planning to bring them with me to Friday's followup appointment with Dr. Amazing. The consents are very annoying because they must be signed in front of a witness at Shady Hell or notarized. S and I are almost never at Shady Hell at the same time, so it's been impossible to get the consents signed. We never have time during business hours to get to a notary at the same time. And I really, really, really don't want our friend/neighbor who does all of our notarizing for us to be witnessing this particular set of signatures. It's just a bit too personal. (yet somehow, I don't have a problem with him seeing our financial documents, which I'm usually pretty closed-mouthed about)

Obviously, my nurse can provide me new copies of the consents, but I really wanted to go over them ahead of time, because we never really settled on how we were going to deal with some of the things we have to address in the consents (e.g. what happens to frozen embryos, if there are any, in the event that, chas v'shalom, one of us dies? Discard, transfer to the sole custody of the surviving spouse, donate, etc?) Those just aren't questions I wanted to have to address without initial review together. Oh well. I guess we'll figure it out.


Well, there's nothing more cheesy than having an IUI on Valentine's Day. My life isn't cliche enough to be the cycle that works, so we'll just count on a negative beta on March 1st, CD1 around the 4th, and BCPs around March 7th until after Passover, when I will re-start Follistim. Yippee.


ms. c said...

Hey Karen, wishing you so much Luck with today's IUI. I am hoping that you won't ned to find those IVF consent forms...
As for the cheesiness of IUI on Valentine's Day (though I, too, don't "celebrate" this day, and actually wouldn't even have taken note except that my nurse pointed it out to me): My deal with my husband was that we would try this one last cycle with injections and s.e.x. So I am left trying it the old fashined way on this very day.
As I am pretty darn certain this won't do the trick, March will be my CD1, then I will have to start BCPs (as I will be away and can't start my next cycle immediately, and will use the BCPs to bing on my flow). I so hope I will notbe sharing these dates with you.
I'll be back to comiserate during the 2ww.

ms. c said...

Make that: MArch 1 will be my CD1. Ooops.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Hoping this turns out to be your best Valentine's Day ever, complete with a "how I conceived my child" story!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you last night and his morning. I hope it all went okay.

Here's a possibly silly thought: knowing this is the last IUI cycle maybe frees you up to give it all you've got, in that any additional cumbersome effort you do now won't have to be repeated indefinitely for future IUI cycles.

What that translates to I'm not really sure. Resting today? No shoveling? Standing on your head? Climaxing? Intercourse tonight? Certain foods? Supplements? Precautions against catching a cold? Avoiding running a fever?

I honestly don't know, it's probably fairly silly, and I know you are focused on getting started on the IVF cycle, but it's just a thought.

That it is St. Valentine's Day would annoy me. One aspect of this week's parshah, however, regards conjugal rights and obligations!

Best wishes.