Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blood Pressure

So, my normal, non-pregnant blood pressure is about 110/65 or lower. During the first, oh, 29-30 weeks of this pregnancy, my blood pressure ran about 120/70-80. Totally fine and normal. I don't remember exactly when my blood pressure shot up last week, but for the last week or so, my blood pressure readings have been, um, not so great. I take my blood pressure every morning (and now, often several times throughout the day as well, but I'm not typing out every single BP I've taken in the last week). Here's what it's looked like (do note that often I get a lower reading later in the day and I ALWAYS get a lower reading at the doctor's office which makes NO SENSE):

9/5: 125/94 (In doctor's office later, it was 120/84, I think)
9/6: 136/111
9/7: 128/90 (at doctor's office it was 110/63... WTF??)
9/8: 106/85 (with Procardia in AM)
9/9: 121/103 (later 118/92)
9/10: 132/105 (later 146/90)
9/11: 123/105 (later 126/98)

I thought it was maybe my BP cuff that wasn't working properly, but I've got two, and they come out with just about the same readings. (they are both electronic, one is fully-automatic, one is semi-automatic) Apparently, I'm just nice and calm in the doctor's office. Normally, my BP shoots up in the doctor's office. Go figure.

Anyway, my nurse at Matria, the traitor, called my doctor yesterday and again today with my BP readings. Sure enough, I got a call back this morning saying that there's a pretty good possibility that they'll decide at my appointment today to just admit me to the hospital for observation. Careful what you wish for, I suppose. I was JUST coming to believe that maybe it WOULD be better for me to just be at home during Rosh Hashana, since I could always just go to the hospital if I needed to (there's absolutely nothing wrong with going to the hospital in a medical emergency on a Jewish holiday... it's going for something routine and/or not necessarily emergency-status that's a problem). So anyway, I was warned to pack a bag (it's mostly packed anyway) and bring it with me. At least they warned me.

I'm 32 weeks tomorrow. Just 2 weeks to go. I said that to the sonographer/medical assistant person who called me with the news of possible hospitalization and she said, "2 more weeks? Well, we can hope..." UGH. But it's all good. I'm seeing Dr. G. today. I totally trust his judgment. I have absolutely no reason to believe he would lead me astray. I do sort of wish Dr. P weren't out of the office all this week. I find Dr. G. just as comforting as Dr. P., but there's something in the back of my head wishing Dr. P. would be around, just in case. I'm not sure why. And it's not like delivering triplets at 32 weeks is a bad thing. That's the national average. It's just sooner than I'd hoped. And anyway, I still really do believe that I'm going to hang in there until 34 weeks. I'm not sure WHY I believe that, but I really do.

So, yeah. I wouldn't have been updating September 13-15 anyway, because of the holiday and Shabbos. So don't be alarmed if I drop off the planet. If I do end up admitted, I'll have either Jess or my husband update tonight. Okay? But even if I'm admitted, it's likely just so they can keep a closer eye on me, which is fine. So don't freak out if I disappear.


Lollipop Goldstein said...

I'll freak out a little, but just because you told me not to and I never listen. Please have them update if possible. L'shana tova.

Leah said...

I might freak just a little, but that's just how I am. I hope that the monsters hang in for another 2 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping for those two weeks. Just have someone let us know what's going on. We are praying that you will make it those two weeks.
Kimberly and the GA Guinn Trips

LJ said...

You are getting closer, my dear. I definitely will freak a little too, but it is understandable. Maybe we could get a carrier pigeon for you!

Shelby said...

I'll only freak out a little. Can't help but be a little concerned! Best of luck!!

olivia said...

I'm relieved to hear that you made it to 32 weeks, and now i hope you make it to 34. Shana tova to you and your expanding family...Let these babies arrive safely and much health, happiness and of course sweetness for all of you.

Thalia said...

will be thinking about you over the next few days. L'shana tovah.

Erin said...

Just thinking of you and hoping for the best!

Erin said...

And L'Shana Tova!

nickoletta100 said...

Please know that I will be thinking about you the whole time!!!

Hang in there little ones!!! You have 100 years to be on the outside, whats 2 more weeks on the inside?

lalalala said...

2 more weeks, and you'll have 4-5 pound babies, and you'll only have to stay in the NICU for 2 weeks so the babies can learn their sucking reflex :) Let's hope you hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Those BPs are indeed funny. Good job in keeping track of it all.

I was thinking the same about it being better for you to be home for RH, for a number of reasons, though I was still for the pre-arranged Friday appointment. (Note that having such an appointment to avoid an actual emergency falls between the two extremes you describe and in some situations could be considered the best option halakhically.)

Good for you for recognizing the statement made by the assistant about how many weeks you'll reach as annoying and instead anticipating the informed assessment from the doctor. What is with the non-doctors in that practice making those types of comments?

I wish Dr. P. were there for you this week, too. But from what you've told us of the practice, all the doctors communicate really well, so I would expect your appointment today with Dr. G. will somewhat feel as if Dr. G. is doing it in consultation with Dr. P.

I really believe too that you will make it to 34 weeks.

Shanah tovah. May you have a Rosh Hashanah that sets the tone for a wonderful year.

And may you have lovely Erev Sukkot babies!

es said...

I hope you hang in there for 2 more weeks! I can't believe that you're already at 32....

Shana tova and feel good!

Rachel Inbar said...

I'll be thinking of you! Shana tova!!!

Unknown said...

Of course it will freak us out a little if we don't hear from you for a bit! But I'll keep what you said in mind. Wishing you the best.

Anonymous said...

If you are in the hospital now, hopefully someone will keep us posted.

If anyone is going to get to 34 weeks, it is going to be you.

pam said...

oh my gosh....i can't believe how close you're getting! you're in my thoughts...hang in there, little ones!

Kristin said...

Karen...I just found your blog today and (hehehe) I've read most of it (from the beginning of the iui cycle to today's post). I am pulling for you and the 3 munchkins to make it 2 more weeks.

Jody said...

Hang in there! 32 weeks turned out fine for us, but I wouldn't wish my NICU experience on my worst enemy (it's just heart-breaking, even when your babies are healthy in there), so keep that BP down down DOWN!

I was mostly happy about the hospital because the dog couldn't sleep on my bed there.....