Sunday, July 15, 2007

Math is Hard

So on Wednesday Dr. G told me if I started having contractions any more frequently I should call immediately. I was then having contractions about 2-3 times per hour for several hours at a time. On Saturday, I was having a steady 3 contractions per hour for several hours at a time, but I wasn't sure if that counted as more frequent or not, so I didn't call. Today, on my way home from Baltimore, where I'd gone out for dinner with S, J, and a friend, figuring it's probably the last time I'm going to be allowed out for a LONG TIME, I had at least four contractions on the 45 minute drive home. I came home, drank some water and laid down on my left side for 45 minutes, during which time I had another 3 contractions. And so I paged the doctor on call.

She agreed that 3-4 contractions per hour was worth paying attention to and said that if it persisted I should head over to L&D, but agreed that if I can sleep through them, they probably aren't that worrisome. So, since I have a 10am appointment at the office tomorrow for a cervix check anyway, and since I really don't want to be in L&D all night, I asked if it's a rotten strategy to just try and sleep. She said no, and recommended benadryl. But, she cautioned, if the contractions are strong enough and frequent enough to wake me through the benadryl, I should go in, and I should also be sure to push fluids as much as possible.

This is creating quite the catch-22. The fluids, I mean. Because at one of my early appointments, Dr. P. warned me that a really full bladder can trigger contractions, and I'm pretty sure he's right. So I'm peeing a lot, which is keeping me awake, but I'm also thirsty as hell, because, well, I'm peeing a lot, which is creating a vicious cycle. And I'm having a few contractions, but I don't think it's quite 4 per hour, but I couldn't really tell you because I'm so tired and loopy I can hardly keep track. I'm guessing I should think about writing them down. They're not comfortable, but I wouldn't call them painful either. Suffice it to say, I'm guessing the next 10 weeks or so are going to be oh-so-fun-filled. If I make it that far. I hope I do.

Anywhozit, I do think the contractions have slowed down and I've decided not to worry about this until morning when I go see the doctor anyway. The one doctor I haven't met and am not particularly interested in meeting, but I suppose it can't hurt. I wish I were seeing Dr. G. Or Dr. P. Or Dr. M. Le Sigh. I guess a girl can't have everything.


Unknown said...

Glad they've slowed down and wishing you the very best of luck at tomorrow's appointment!

LJ said...

I'm glad things have slowed. Keep us posted and let us know if you need anything...

pam said...

yikes! i hope everything goes well at the doctor's appointment. the water thing is definitely tricky. glad to hear they've slowed down for now, though. man, i'm not looking forward to that part!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've been having increased contractions. I'm concerned that you won't be seeing one of your regular doctors at your appointment; I hope the appointment goes well. Keep us in the loop!

Shelby said...

Ugh! You poor thing! I'm glad the contractions slowed down, and good luck tomorrow! Hopefully nothing has changed! I second LJ- if you need anything, please don't hesitate to let us know!!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Good luck at the appt. Let's keep those 3 little monsters inside for a bit longer!

nickoletta100 said...

Glad they are slowing down and hope your appt today goes very well! Stay in there guys!!!

Jody said...

Keep us posted -- I'm feeling anxious about what they might find at this appt....

Casey's trio said...

Hi Karen,

The contractions part is so tricky...Right before I ended up in the hospital at 23 weeks, I started writing down the time each contraction occurred..both to help me remember how many I had in an hour and if there was a pattern. My contractions were never painful until later, so I would definitely pay attention to just the tightening-type contractions as well. They can still be dangerous enenthough they aren't painful. The water part is tricky as well. They tell you to drink ginormous amounts of fluids...because not being hydrated enough can cause contractions, but having the full bladder and getting up to pee every 20 minutes can also cause contractions. Sounds like you are doing your best. I hope that your dr appt goes well in the morning and will be looking forward to an update.

Chris said...

Hoping everything is okay!

megan said...

glad to hear that things have slowed down a bit. i hope the appointment went well and that you've reached a compromise with your body on the water intake thing...

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I read your blog and saw this post. I found the following Website to track contractions from a pregnant friend and I have had to use it a little too, to make sure. But anyway, if you don't want to write it all down, this site is for you :)It tells you length, duration, and how far apart, you don't have to think at all! Good luck!