Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Triplet Fun

So here's the thing. I could continue sitting around feeling sorry for myself about the whole triplet thing forever. I can mope and weep about the whole reduction discussion, when I know darned well what I'm going to do (or not do, as the case may be). I can sit here seething about the fact that I have triplets, or I can suck it up and admit that, you know, triplets... that's kind of cool. Aside from the terrifyingly scary parts, of course. I mean, if I look far off into the future and I imagine my healthy toddler triplets or my romping six year old triplets, or my very expensive college-bound triplets... totally nifty. So that's it. I've decided to stop moping (until such time as I decide I want to wallow again, and that's my perogative, so there!).

Meanwhile, I may as well admit how much fun I can have with the whole triplet thing. I mean, seriously, I get all this fun to dream up lots of embarrassing names to torture my kids with:

  • Huey, Duey, and Louie
  • Larry, Curly, & Moe
  • Peter, Paul, and Mary
  • John Paul, George, and Ringo (yes, one kid gets a middle name and the others don't. Unless, you know, it turns out I really have QUADS and boy could I seriously have fun with naming Quads!)
  • Thing One, Thing, Two, and Thing Three (okay, there's really no Thing Three in Dr. Seuss's version, but don't you think there should be?)
  • Tweddle Dee, Tweedle Dum, and Tweedle Dim (yeah, Lewis Carroll is rolling in his grave... sue me)
  • Athos, Porthos, and Aramis (The Three Musketeers)
  • Bob, Nick and Dave (of the Kingston Trio... A stretch, I realize, and I had to look their names up on Wikipedia and I can't even say I really know any Kingston Trio songs, so it's not like I'm their biggest fan or anything...)
  • Johan, Ludwig, and Johannes (See, I was going for the whole "Three B's" thing... you know, Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms? But it's mighty inconvenient that Bach and Brahms have such similar first names...)
  • Placido, Jose, and Luciano (get it? The Three Tenors! I've got the whole music theme going for me)
  • Harry, Ron, and Hermione

OR I could have fun with initials:

  • Maya, Adam, and Daniel (MAD)
  • Walter, Edward and Thomas (WET)
  • Thomas Richard, Irene, and Patricia (TRIP... yes again with the whole middle name thing... quads REALLY would be so much more convenient for the whole naming convention thing)

Um. I had lots of others. But they are escaping me. And seriously, this post was funnier before I squashed it with my bad mood yesterday. But, all kidding aside, how many moms-to-be get to dream up such torturous names for their future kids? I gotta say, I'm pretty darned lucky.

Speaking of lucky... think about this... I could have decaplets, or dodecaplets, and boy wouldn't THAT suck! Triplets, well, triplets sound positively easy now that I've contemplated nonuplets and higher.


Erin said...

Triplets is pretty cool, but scary as can be at the same time. I think that you have to deal with both, which sucks, but putting a pretty face on a scary situation doesn't work very well. It seems like you've been handling it well!

I'm all for the Three Musketeers or Harry Potter triplets as nicknames! Ah, such fun can be had! Will you be finding out genders? I know that's a ways in the future either way, so I'm just curious.

es said...

I was watching a program on TLC last night where the family consisted of twins, and then sextuplets. Now that was a noisy house.

Watson said...

Thank GAWD you still have your sense of humor girlfriend!

I'm happy you've made a decision, at least for now, and I hope it brings you some much-deserved peace.

Keep us posted on possible names, that's cracking me up


Frederic Guarino said...

I read a story about parents of quads who decided to give them names based on their medical names: Embryo A's name started with A, etc. up to D. Completely moronic! I am glad you are well. I am thinking of you

Unknown said...

Triplets are cool. Glad you're having fun with it!

Anonymous said...

I like Thing One, Thing Two and Thing Three!

Anns said...

I'm think that before you start coming up with your real names you've got to have your cutsey embryo names.. here are my suggestions..

Rock, Paper and Scissors
Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato
Ready, Willing and Able
Wynken, Blynken and Nod

... did the 3 little pigs have names?

I'm so jealous, I'll just get to name 1

decemberbaby said...

How about these triplet names?

woulda, coulda, shoulda
chocolate, vanilla, strawberry
sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll

Gee, triplets are a barrel of fun!

Rachel Inbar said...

In the school I went to in 7th grade, there were quadruplet boys who were all named Steven, but their parents spelled it 4 different ways.

Um, yeah... I'm totally serious...

Twisted Ovaries said...

I'm putting in a vote for the Three Musketeers name.

It ups our infertile literary quotient, really. We rely on you for that.

Plus, imagine how many women will be craving chocolate covered nougat every time they read your site?

Hopeful Mother said...

I like the previous commenter's choice of BLT. Short and sweet.

I'm glad you've come to some sort of peace with your decision, and I hope it helps you get through the next few weeks.

Suzanne said...

ah triplets...sounds refreshing to me! i am currently pregnant with FOUR! omg, i SO understand the feelings that you are going through! (an emotional roller coaster, if you will)..it's like we have to make a conscious decision to be happy and think about the POSITIVES of multiples, which is SOOOO hard to do sometimes! good luck!

Leah Goodman said...

So many more:
For the older crowd:
Snip, Snap, and Snur
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka
Dick, Jane, and Sally (or Spot)

For the Jewelers:
Sapphire, Opal, Jasper

April, May, June

For the Hebrew speakers:
Matan, Natan, and Shai (all mean the same)
Tzvi, Rachel, & Eyal (deer, goat, hart)
Alon, Erez, Oren (Oak, Cedar, Pine)
Aaron, Moses, Miriam (biblical siblings)
Cain, Abel, Seth (less successful sibling group, what with Cain murdering Abel)
Adi, Paz, Zahava (jewelry, gold, gold)
Tova, Yaffa, Bracha (Good, Pretty, Blessing)
Stav, Aviv, and one in English - Summer (Fall & Spring)
Gila, Rina, Ditza...

I have more... but I think I'll save 'em for another day.