Monday, March 05, 2007

Beta News

My nurse called at 10:10 this morning and I started a post, but accidentally closed the window before I finished it. Anyway, she's perplexed by me, which is normal. My beta looks great. She wanted to see it around 1300 and it was 1514 today. However, my nurse is really jumpy about the bleeding, though it has abated somewhat. This is exactly what happened last time... I had heavy bleeding for a bit, which reduced to regular, but not heavy, spotting along with pretty intense cramps.

The problem, she says, is that if she goes by my LMP, that puts me at 6 1/2 weeks, but we all know that's not really true, because I didn't trigger until Day 20, so I'm really more at like 5 1/2 weeks. However, because she's jumpy and nervous about the bleeding she wants me to come in on Thursday to have an ultrasound with Dr. Amazing. My other choice is to wait until Tuesday and have the ultrasound with Dr. C (Dr. Amazing will be out of town next week). The problem with having the ultrasound this week is that they probably won't see anything. The advantages are that if there is anything grossly wrong, they might be able to figure that out on ultrasound and if I go this week, I get Dr. Amazing, which is, of course, my preference.

I told my nurse that I would defer to her opinion of whatever is best, but because I'm still having some bleeding, she wants me to come in this week. I'm cool with that. She wants me to continue to restrict my activity, which is a bit annoying, but I can live with it.

I'm actually glad that I'm not the only nervous-nelly this time. I appreciate that she's being jumpy and recognizing why I might also be jumpy. (In fact, I think she might be slightly more jumpy than I am right now) While it's clear that this is just what I do when I'm pregnant... it's hard to not feel like the whole thing is like de ja vu all over again. With all the similarities so far, I have to keep reminding myself that there is no logical reason to assume that this will result in the same dramatic end as the last pregnancy. But that doesn't keep me from feeling nervous.

Anyway, this is good news. It's all unbelievably good news. So I'm trying not to be nervous. Hopefully I'll have more information on Thursday. I know that my nurse said they wouldn't be able to see anything on the ultrasound by then... but looking back on the cycle that worked... my ultrasound at 26 days post IUI clearly showed a gestational sac. Thursday will be 24 days post IUI, so maybe they'll still be able to see SOMETHING. Or not. I may be deluding myself. Gosh. Maybe I should wait until Tuesday, so I don't freak out if they see nothing this week. Sheesh!


decemberbaby said...

Wow, that's a great beta! I hope you get to see something - the good kind of something - on the ultrasound this week.

Watson said...


YAY -- what great Beta news!

Unknown said...

Go for it on Thursday, don't wait until Tuesday. Just my assvice. And congrats on the fabulous beta number - that's awesome news!

Anonymous said...

Karen, great news on the beta! I love the ace bandage idea, you are so clever.

I hope the bleeding goes away and everything continues to go well with this pregnancy.

Dr. Grumbles said...

yes, this is great news!

I hope you get to see something at the u/s!

The Momcaster said...

wow wow wow!
fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad about the great number. I'm so sorry this cycle continues to mimic the one that ended in a miscarriage.

It's good that your nurse recognizes and reflects your sentiments. The Thursday appointment sounds like a wise idea. I hope that both the ultrasound and Dr. Amazing provide some helpful information.

Erin said...

Fabulous news about your beta! Does the nurse not understand the whole process of fertility treatments and how they affect pregnancy dating? It is pretty early, so I hope that the u/s can show something to help all of you feel better!