Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And baby makes...

I thought the saying was "...and baby makes 3". Not, you know, four, or um, five even. Or in the case of my dream last night, six. Last night I had this ridiculous nightmare. I literally woke up in what can only be described as a cold sweat. I had this dream that I went in for my ultrasound this morning and Margaret (sonographer extraordinaire) said, "hey! You're not having a miscarriage, you must have been having more implantation bleeding, there are THREE now!" Once I calmed myself down I fell back to a fitful sleep, but cramping kept me awake most of the rest of the night. Thank God it was just a dream.

This morning I woke up and had only very light spotting. I considered not going in for my ultrasound appointment. I always feel ridiculous crying wolf. But what could the harm be? S is in Florida on business today, but he gave me a wakeup call this morning at 6 and I told him I might not go to the appointment because the problem seems to have abated. He wisely said, "that's all fine and good, but you'll regret it tomorrow when you're right back to bleeding and wanting to go in." So I got J ready to leave for school, dropped him off, and went to Shady Hell. I arrived at 8:05 for my 8:30 appointment which I really ought to know better than to do by now. I was called back at 8:50 (my 9am meeting at the office be-damned). I was called into Room 2, which is rare for me, but I like Room 2 just fine. It's got a lovely mobile on the ceiling, though I admit I didn't really notice it today.

Margaret said good morning. Dr. C. (whom I like a lot) greeted me and asked what had been going on. I explained that I'd been bleeding pretty heavily over the weekend, but now I really wasn't. "I feel really stupid being here now that it seems to have stopped." Dr. C. didn't hesitate for one second before responding, "Don't be ridiculous, this is exactly where you should be." Margaret couldn't believe I'd stayed away for so long. "Well, you know, either something's wrong or it isn't, right?" And on to this morning's wanding.

"Look at those! They're growing!"
"No they're not. There's only one. Remember? I put in my order for ONE. Not two!"
"See? I told you there's only one. You must have been looking at it twice from two different angles."
"There's three."
"Stop it! That's not funny!"
"No really."
"No seriously, it's NOT FUNNY."
"Look... one, two... three!"

I swear I almost decked her.


Unknown said...

Are. you. kidding. me? You're gonna be blessed not once, not twice, but thrice??? Um, congratulations?

Anonymous said...

Wait. Are you serious?

Anonymous said...

So I guess there is something to these pregnancy dreams. I actually had a dream about an embryo right before I took a pregnancy test and I really did not expect to be pregnant. Any heartbeats yet?

Erin said...

I cannot seem to grasp what you've just said, so I can only imagine what you're feeling or thinking now.

Ah. Um. Wow. Wow wow wow. Um.

Chris said...

Congrats X 3! (saw you stop by Mel's Virtual Bar -hope you don't mind me poking my head in)

Anonymous said...

You may have to repeat that for some of us. You know, as soon as you stop repeating it to yourself. Three? Wow! um, yeah, Wow! Speechless.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I am in shock. I can only imagine how you feel!

Anonymous said...

Oh, WOW! Your head must be spinning.

Dr. Grumbles said...

I take it that last bit WAS NOT in a dream???

Wowie wow wow!

decemberbaby said...

Unbelievable. I'm in shock, although surely not as much shock as you're in.

B'sha'ah tovah. I hope this pregancy ends up being as safe and healthy for you as possible.

Wow. I can't believe it.