Saturday, February 17, 2007

Off to Florida

I'm off to Florida for a few days, so it's unlikely I'll be posting much. I had my IVF Consult with Dr. Amazing on Friday, which was great. Of course, the last time I had an IVF Consult, I ended up getting pregnant. Not counting on that this time. Frankly, even Dr. Amazing didn't sound terribly optimistic about this IUI. I almost ended up cancelled and to avoid that, they triggered a little earlier than they would have liked to. Since Dr. Amazing is usually optimistic, but always straight with me, I'm going to take his lack of optimism for what it's worth. He greeted me on Friday by saying he shared my impatience and it's time to move on. Well said.

Anyway, more details on that either while I'm in Florida or after I return. Thanks for all your kind words and optimistic thoughts. I cherish my friends inside the computer... all of you.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip, Karen!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a restful Shabbat and that you are having a safe and enjoyable trip.

It's great that Dr. Amazing is actually invested in your situation and relates to you as a whole person, recognizing the knowledge you have.

Would it be improper for you to let Dr. Amazing know that you are uncomfortable with Dr. Annoying, that you find both his social interaction skills and his clinical techniques problematic, so that Dr. Amazing can know you'd rather Dr. Annoying not be involved going forward?

Dr. Grumbles said...

Hope you have a relaxing trip!

Baby Blues said...

Enjoy Florida!