Wednesday, February 28, 2007

next steps

Someone asked when or if I'd have my next beta. I've got my next one scheduled for Friday at 6:45am and another scheduled for Monday at 6:45am.

We'll see how it goes from there. I'm trying to remain cautious in my optimism, but there was absolutely nothing borderline about this morning's beta. At 14 dpiui, it's a pretty good looking number. Unfortunately, it's the doubling rate that is more telling, so I still have another hurdle to go through. The next hurdle after that, of course, will be the ultrasound, if I make it that far. My guess is the ultrasound will be around March 14/15th.

When my nurse called me this morning, she said, "Well, when you're right, you're right. Congratulations!" So I cautiously asked what the number was and she said 228. Holy Cow! That's over double where I was at 15 dpiui last time. Last time my 15dpiui was 102. It started at 23.8, went to 102 three days later, then 259 two days later, 569 another two days later, and 1725 three days after that. I was rattling off these numbers while my nurse was looking up my file and she was shocked to find out I was correct on all counts. Wow, she said, you must have all this information right at your fingertips! I do, in fact, but I wasn't looking at my handy dandy spreadsheet. I seriously just KNOW this stuff. It's a sickness, I think.

So we had a good giggle about the timing (second time an IVF consult has become pointless due to unexpected pregnancy for me... they really ought to market this therapy), and agreed to talk again on Friday with my next beta.

I figure I can get through two days without peeing on anymore sticks. Right? RIGHT?


Amy, Ryan, Philip and Matilyn said...

I stumbled across your blog by accident. I wanted to say congrats to you! I'm gearing up for my 8th IUI next week. I had 2 early m/c and am optomistic about next week. I start progesterone for the first time......I will think I'm preggers, huh! Good luck and have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Watson said...

Step away from the pee sticks, STEP AWAY from the pee sticks.

(I know, easy for ME to say!)

You're doing great, and the Beta numbers are fantastic.


Anns said...

You can do it!!! Give all your pee sticks you have at home (because by now we're all bulk ordering from and give them to someone you trust and tell them not to give you back until it's the weekend...

Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Karen, that beta is looking fantastic!

I say if peeing on things will make you feel better, pee on things!

twirl said...

That's a nice beta. I'm thinking of going in for another IVF consult now, just because!

abby said...

Oh wow! I've been away from the blogs for a while and just found out your great news!! Fingers crossed for a nice doubling beta :)