Sunday, February 11, 2007

Maybe not so useless after all?

Is it possible that my formerly-useless left ovary might actually be the producer this cycle? That might, indeed, be a first. Well, a first in the last 6 IUI cycles, anyway. Probably not the first time in my life, though I suppose that's possible. Anywhozit, I had an early-morning monitoring appointment today. It would probably have been more pleasant had I not been babysitting for a friend (I know, I'm a saint) until 1am. I got to sleep around two and was NOT happy when the alarm went off at 6. Oh well. I figured I'd better, you know, shower and all, since I was pretty sure Margaret would be there today (I was right!). Gotta look nice for Margaret.

I got called back for my scan first (No! Throwing off my whole routine! I always get bloodwork drawn first! No fair confusing me!) and after I'd undressed and climbed up on the table (seriously, have they never considered that their patients might be short and fat? Why are those tables so frickin' high?), I briefly considered turning the stirrup covers inside out a la Julie, but changed my mind when I heard the door opening. (I swear, Margaret is desperate to see me in all my glory... she keeps giving me less and less time to get undressed and has walked in a couple times before I've done so successfully. Sheesh! Like she doesn't see enough of me??)

Ahem. Back en pointe. Focus, people! Margaret breezed in all cheery and happy, as always. Dear heavens how does that woman manage cheery at 7 in the morning on a Sunday? Sheesh! She said "We're going to get you pregnant this cycle, gosh darnit." Meh. I shrugged. I'm not counting on it, gave my usual shpiel about how I never count on any individual cycle. And besides, IUI is so last year, don't you think? I'm so not into this cycle, no matter how hard I try to pretend that it's got any chance of success. I mean, it DOES have 20% odds, and that's better than zero, right? Margaret said she likes to tell people she's not a pessimist, she's just an optimist who's been disappointed a lot. Heh.

And so, all pleasantries aside, on to the show! My ovaries, as per usual, were perky and eager to please. Today we saw a dramatic shift in dominance. The useless left ovary seems to be a little insulted at all the nasty things I've been saying about her (her? it? Certainly not him...), and she is rebelling by actually showing some positive growth. In fact, it seems that she is racing against the formerly useful right ovary in a fight for dominance. Observe:

Right Ovary: 13.8, 13.1, 12.2, 12.2
Left Ovary: 15.3, 14.4, 12.9, 8.5, 8.0
Lining: A beautiful 13.77mm today!

Now, I know you're all aquiver with excitement, just like I am, but lest you forget who we're talking about, my E2 and LH levels aren't back yet. For all I know they've plummeted into the depths of despair again. But odds are good that they haven't plummeted, but are rather on the rise, so I might just hold my breath for my next phone call. (though I really would do well to remember that I'm rarely on the GOOD side of fertility odds)

Since I know you'll all be refreshing your screen madly awaiting the E2/LH update, I promise, you'll be the first, er-second, er-third? to know after I receive my daily phone call. I expect to return to Shady Hell tomorrow, but I suppose we'll see. I'm a little irritated at having to return tomorrow, actually, because the earliest appointment they had available was 7:45. I'm normally at work by 7:30, so a 7:45 appointment is REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING. Plus, traffic's a lot worse then. But I'm not bitter.

Edit! Holy Shmoly! Could it be? Could this cycle be turning itself around? at 10:30 my home phone rang and it was Shady Hell. Slightly annoying since the contact number I supplied today was my cell phone number in case I was out when they called. But I'm just happy I was home to get the call. Either way, the numbers are in and they're looking good!

E2: 302 (!!)
4.38 (up from 2.54)

Holy Cow! I've never, ever had an E2 that high. Seriously. The cycle that worked (sort of) my E2 only got to 113 before I triggered. I'm still not expecting this cycle to work, but the good thing about my levels going up is that it suggests an end in sight. This is a phenomenally good thing, because I'm hoping this means trigger and IUI before Sunday, since that's when we're supposed to be leaving for Florida. Yippee!! End of Edit


Stephanie said...

Thanks for de-lurking and leaving a comment on my blog. Glad lefty is fighting to be dominate ovary. May the best ovary win!

squarepeg said...

Excellent! I'm glad things are turning around. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the high E2 level. Do you have too many large follilces to do IUI this month?

Kellie with an "ie" said...

Congratulations on the great numbers! I'll be checking back often hoping for more good news.