Sunday, January 07, 2007

More Info

I'm just Posty McPostyson today!

Just got a call from Shady Hell. My estradiol is 118 (this is not amusing me, since last Wednesday it was 103, and had apparently gone down a little bit on Friday, though I don't know Friday's number).

My estrogen NEVER gets as high as the nurses seem to think it should, but I've asked my doctor about it before and she said it's not surprising in PCOS patients, and that she really doesn't care as much about the raw number as she does about the comparative levels from visit to visit. My preliminary web research suggests that my doctor was being diplomatic, as it appears to be specifically excess weight that can result in lower estradiol numbers (which is weird, since fat cells produce estrogen, so you'd think it would be elevated, but I suppose there are different kinds of estrogen, so maybe that's why).

My LH is 1.6 which doesn't make any sense to me. Everything I've found suggested that the LH surge should show >20 mIU/ml, so I'm thinking they're using a different scale (so maybe this is really a 16 on that scale?). I also find this completely unamusing. But I'll just sit, smile, and nod and do anything they tell me.

In this case, anything they tell me includes going in tomorrow instead of Tuesday (as I'd originally been told). Since I'm making the appointment at the last possible second, the only appointment they have for me is 8:15, a full hour than I usually like to be there. I much prefer the 6:45 or 7am appointment, but 7:15 is usually my last resort. 8:15 is all manner of inconvenient, but at least I'm still working fairly close to the Rockville office. I'll likely be changing jobs at the end of the month and THEN it will be much harder to manage with an 8:15 appointment.


Thalia said...

Why would your LH be high - surely you aren't ovulating yet? Because it's only high for 24 hours or so so it would be a bad thing if you were surging without the trigger and IUI planned. It's good it's still low.

The estrogen does sound a bit disconcerting. Perhaps its lower with increasing body weight because fat cells absorb estrogen as well as store it?

Ms. Perky said...

Thalia... you're right, having not surged yet, I wouldn't expect it to be greater than 20 mIU/ml. I would, however, expect it to be, say, around 7 or 10 if it were on the same scale as what I've been seeing. 1.6 suggests to me that my clinic is using a different unit of measurement than the other standard data I'm finding. But I suppose I'll find out if I find out my LH level on trigger day.