Friday, January 05, 2007


I had bloodwork drawn and an ultrasound done this morning. My beautiful 14.7mm follicle is now 16mm. Lining is 8.9. Doctor wanted one more day and then have me back tomorrow to check before probably triggering tomorrow night.

Except I can't come in on Saturdays, which the tech remembered and pointed out. I wasn't planning to say anything about not coming in on Saturday, I figured I'd work it out with my nurse when she called with my E2 and LH levels and instructions.

If I absolutely had to have an IUI (or in the case of IVF: retrieval or transfer) on a Saturday, I'd do it. There's a hotel within walking distance, and the clinic knows how to handle patients who have to come in on Friday to show ID and sign paperwork if necessary. But for a monitoring appointment, my Rav, while willing to say I *could* go if there were no way around it, doesn't love the idea (and neither do I. It's a lot of trouble for not a lot of gain). This is my fifth IUI cycle. My body is pretty predictable.

Fortunately, the doctor agrees that it's not entirely necessary (though possibly preferable). After he gets a look at the E2/LH levels, he'll confirm, but his suspicion is that we'll give that beauty of a follicle another day to ripen before it hatches so that it's around 18mm when it's released. So that means no more monitoring appointments, but a trigger tomorrow night and an IUI Monday.

I would have preferred a Sunday IUI, but I can live with Monday. Can't be too picky, after all. Plus with my mother out of town, I don't know what we'd do with J if my husband and I both needed to be at Shady Hell on Sunday (though I suppose he could go and come back and then I could go, but I'd be cutting it really close for my appointment if we did that)

This is the fastest cycle on record for me. Triggering on Day 11, if that's what happens, is unprecedented. My previous IUI was on Day 16, which was already super-early for me (but it worked, so I'm not complaining). I'm all for this cycle being over, though... the discomfort on my right side has turned into quite considerable pain. Not debilitating, obviously, but enough to make me want it to go away.

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