Wednesday, January 03, 2007

CD 8

5 days of Follistim under my belt, and it was back to Shady Hell to see what was going on. Here are the basics:

Right Ovary: 1 follicle measuring 14.9mm; 7 follicles under 10mm.
Left Ovary: 1 follicle measuring 11.7mm and on measuring 10.3mm; 6 follicles under 10mm.
Endometrium: 8.7mm (is that good? they seemed all excited about it)
E2: 103 (again with, is that good?)

Two more days of Follistim at the same dose, and back on Friday. I have this feeling that I'm going to end up triggering on Friday (CD10) and having an IUI on Sunday. That's the fastest cycle on record (for me). Shocking.

Oddly enough, I'm having some pretty noticeable pain on my right side, enough that I notice it and I've got a pretty high pain tolerance. It's not debilitating or anything, but it's definitely distracting.

Also, I realized tonight that I've been taking the wrong dose. I was supposed to take 66IUs per night, but I accidentally have been going one more click on the pen than I should and have been taking 75IUs each night. Obviously nothing horrible has happened as a result, and it's not a big difference, but I feel a little sneaky. Except, well, I wasn't being sneaky, I was being careless. Well, anyway, I'm not going to revert to 66 (particularly since it's working and I didn't have some scary alarming response that made everybody worry), but I imagine I ought to mention it to my nurse anyway. Sigh.

1 comment:

Thalia said...

sounds good, karen.
I don't think that 9IU is going to make any difference so you're pretty safe!