Monday, October 22, 2007


  • Mastitis is mostly clearing up.
  • Milk production still down with pumping, but babies are nursing more often and seem satisfied, so I assume that they are getting what isn't being expressed and that I am producing plenty.
  • Babies are great and growing.
  • People keep asking when the bris will be so that I can tell you our youngest son's name... he can't have a bris until he's at least 5.5 pounds per the mohel we'll be using. He is, today, 5 pounds 4.5 ounces. So by next week he should be able to have a bris.
  • Tomorrow is a grand experiment because I have to take the kids to the pediatrician.
  • All the breastfeeding has kept me from the computer most of the time, so no blogging. But soon, I think, I'll carve some time.

Here endeth today's update.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to update us.
Sounds like things are on the up and up. I'm so glad.
Hope you're able to catch a few winks in between all that pumping and feeding!

decemberbaby said...

all in all it's sounding good! Can't wait to hear the little man's name!

Malky B. said...

Glad your feeling better. Good luck taking the kiddos to the doc. Will hubby be going as well?

Rachel Inbar said...

Glad you and the kids are doing well!

I can't wait to hear about the Brit (and the name :-))

Unknown said...

glad to hear from you at all. :)

Leah said...

I think that I keep forgetting to tell you this, but you are such a superhero for breastfeeding triplets! Glad to hear everyone is doing well, and especially that your infection is clearing up. I can't wait to hear the little man's name!!

Matt said...

Thinking of you often. . .and continuing to wish you well.

Those first few months really are the hardest. You can get through it! Don't ever feel bad for accepting help.

I can't wait to hear your little man's name!

nickoletta100 said...

It sounds like you have some good news going on right now. Thank goodness.

Question - (I really like learning about the Jewish aspects of your life!) Do you call him by his name now and just don't formally announce it or do you call him something else until the bris?

ms. c said...

thanks for the update! i was wondering about the bris, so thanks for letting us know.
keep up the good work!

Caba said...

You are an amazing momma! I was scared to even try breast feeding with my twins! You are doing a great job!

hadjare said...

Good to hear that it's cleaning up and that the babies are gaining weight.

mother in israel said...

Just checking in and I see you're doing fine over there!! Kol hakavod on the nursing.