Monday, September 24, 2007

From the Momma Herself!

I'm still alive! I'm here and well! I have a minute because I'm here attached to a breast pump, which seems to be my fate in life for the next while... at least until the babies come home (and then, hopefully, I'll just be attached to them forever). Moo. There are so many overwhelming details of the last few days that I can't possibly summarize them except to say, "Wow." It is utterly (udderly?) amazing to be thinking of my three babies with actual names and faces now. They are actual little people, not just tiny little parasites anymore!

What's that you say? Did I mention... names?

Well, the girls have names. Officially even. Our beautiful boy has part of a name, but we're not disclosing it quite yet. This won't make sense to some of you and others of you are saying, "well, of course not!" So let me explain. Jewish boys are given their names officially at their bris (circumcision), which generally speaking is 8 days after birth, or as soon as medically possible after that if medical reasons preclude a bris at 8 days. For families giving their children very different English and Hebrew names, sometimes they still immediately name their boys with an English name, but halachically (that is, according to Jewish law), a child's "official" name is the one bestowed upon him at his bris. Does that make any sense? In our case, we're not giving a completely different English name, so we're not telling. Yet.

Girls are a different story. Girls can be named in the synagogue as early as the next time the Torah is read in the morning services. Torah is read on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Even better, the girls don't have to be present to be given their names... nor does the mother. The father simply announces the name in a special bracha (blessing/prayer) before a portion of the Torah is read. So the girls could have been named as early as Thursday, and they would have been except that I had a miserable, horrible, awful night Wednesday night/Thursday morning and ended up calling my husband in hysterical tears at 6am on Thursday and he came to the hospital to be with me and to speak with a nurse manager instead. That's part of the longer delivery and post-partum story which I'll put together in the next few days, but is relevant here only as explanation for why the girls didn't get named on Thursday, even though we did pick their names (FINALLY! Seriously, we were entirely nameless until the night before the surgery). So they didn't receive their names until Saturday, which was, conveniently, also Yom Kippur. The holiest day on the Jewish calendar. An auspicious day, to say the least, to receive your name.

So yes, our girls have names. Have I teased you long enough?

Our beautiful Baby C, our tiny one, currently weighing in at two and a half pounds, is Avigayil (Abigail) Nechama. We'll call her Abby. Avigayil, or Abigail, means My Father's Joy and Nechama means Comfort. She may have caused all the trouble that led us to having to deliver quickly, but she is her father's joy and comfort ... trust me... you should see him with her. They are amazing together. I know some of you are wondering how to pronounce Nechama, and it's hard to spell phonetically, but I'll tell you that the "ch" is pronounced like the "ch" in "Loch Ness Monster", not like the "ch" in "charm". It's a Hebrew name.

And our gorgeous baby B, our biggest baby right now at three and a half pounds, is Eliana Miriam. We'll call her Ellie. Eliana means My God has Answered. As you know, we prayed for a child. I, specifically, prayed for a singleton. God answered "No" to my request for a singleton... in triplicate. He was right. I was wrong. They are so worth it. Every last miserable second of this pregnancy was worth these precious angels. My God did, indeed, answer every one of my prayers with these beautiful, perfect babies. We chose the middle name "Miriam" less for the meaning and more because she is a strong and beautiful Biblical character, just as we know that our Ellie is strong and beautiful. Look what she's already accomplished, after all.

And our beautiful boy will receive his name when he is ready, but for now I'll call him Smiley, because he smiles all the time, and because he brings smiles to our faces every day.

I cannot begin to tell each of you how much your kind words and thoughts have meant to me. Shelby and Desiree came to visit me before I delivered when I was in the hospital and came bearing gifts on behalf of the DC infertility blogging crew, which was absolutely amazing of them. I am overwhelmed with the love and support which has come from each and every one of you, local and far, anonymous and named. I've written back to some of you, but not others, which has been mostly a function of time and energy (and availability of email addresses), not a function of how much your words have affected me. I love each and every one of you. I cried and cried when I saw Jessica's slide show (my husband downloaded it for me so I could see it in the hospital and I called her bawling) and I saw that many of you cried right along with me. I'm still crying just thinking of it.

There is a lot more to tell and many more pictures to post, but I'm done pumping (MOO!) and I'm exhausted (go figure), so those things will have to wait for another free moment (don't worry... I pump a LOT). I love you guys. Thank you. Really. For everything.


Cindy said...

MOO! Oh, cute are you?!?!?!!!! And what beautiful names for your girls. I am just so thrilled for you and I keep all of you in my prayers! Watching/reading you gives me so much excitement about my own coming soon - yikes! How exciting!
Take care! My heart is just so happy for you :)

Sunny said...

It is so good to hear from YOU! I love the names and the meanings. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you! I am so glad you and the babies are well. You daughter's names are beautiful. Smiley has a nice ring to it for the time being.

pam said...

beautiful names, and your love is evident in every word you've written. congratulations a million times over!

Shelby said...

Such beautiful names!! And the meanings are absolutely precious. Can't wait to hear Smiley's name too! I'm so glad you are all doing so well! I'm thinking about you and the kiddo's all the time! Can't wait to meet them!

LJ said...

What gorgeous names. My cousin is Abigail, and I've always loved her name.

Can't wait to see you!!

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

Karen I just wanted to CRY reading this post... tears welled up in my eyes. You have three PRECIOUS babies! Having thier names made it all the more real. GO MOMMA!

I have to say, your daughters' names are so beautiful and I LOVELOVELOVE that they have meaning behind them!!!! I hope you don't mind that I particularly love Eliana (my God has answered!!). We already have girls AND boys 1st names picked out, but middle names are open. We may borrow that one day.

You know a boy's name I love is Ephriam. It means "fruitful" & Joseph names his 2nd born that saying "God has made me fruitful in a barren place" (his who Egypt journey from slave & prison to leader). Infertility is such a barren place emotionally and so lonely, if God blesses us with a pregnancy I can't see NOT using that name.

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS momma! I'm so proud that you want to nurse all you can too. You are an AMAZING BEAUTIFUL (inside & out) WOMAN.

Meghan said...

Congrats in person!! (well, close to in person)

Beautiful names for your girls. I'm glad all 3 of them are doing well.

Hayley said...

Oh! The girls' names are BEAUTIFUL! Avigayil is so pretty, and Eliana is just gorgeous. And they go together well, too! And the nicknames are just as pretty. And the meanings - they will appreciate that you really thought about what to name them and why, and what a story to tell! Congratulations again!

Anonymous said...

It was SO nice to read a post by you! I am glad you are doing well and love the names you've chosen. I am so happy for you.

Catherine said...

Beautiful names. A very close girlfriend of mine is Jewish and when she had her first kid, she explained the whole tradition of the naming ceremony. Since then, I've always thought that sounds like a beautiful tradition and I also love how many of the names have such wonderful meanings! Looking forward to hearing what your little boy is named.

Out of curiosity, do you have any idea when it will be medically possibly for his bris?

Good for you on pumping and your commitment to nursing. I personally found it too challenging for me to keep up with and keep my sanity at the same time, so I admire your commitment to doing it. Go Karen!

dmarie said...

Aww--I'm so happy for you Karen! Beautiful names. Can't wait to see you again and with the babies this time :)

Stephanie said...

i am over joyed for you!

Anonymous said...

That whole post was beautiful, even the cow parts! Gorgeous names so far and a great day to name them. Oh, Mazal Tov, Mama!

twirl said...

So glad you're all doing well. Your girls' names are lovely, and I'm sure that whatever you have in mind for your son will be just right =)

Anonymous said...

LOL, Ellie and Abby were my two top names!!! Needless to say I love them.

But you're cicumcising your precious son? Oh, Karen, please don't. I have a friend who could contact you with halachic alternatives to mutilating that poor child.

If you have to ruin his sex life, at least please get him anaesthesia, or wait until he's old enough to have a general.

Kristin said...

Moo back at you. I always swore I was a milk cow or a wet nurse in a previous life. I love your daughters' names and can't wait for Smiley to be big enough and healthy enough to get his name (so we can find out). I am so, so happy for you and so glad I found your blog (just barely) in time to share this journey.

Egged Out said...

Hi Karen,

Great to hear from you - thanks for taking the time to update us. Great names for the girls. I'm so happy your family is doing well!

Rachel Inbar said...

I cried through this whole post :-) I love the names you chose too! My daughter is also Avigayil & we call her Guli for short (now she likes to be called Guli Avigayil). Eliana is also beautiful. I always thought it had a kind of South American sound to it :-)

I'm so glad to hear you're doing well. Take care of yourself!

Matt said...

Congrats on your beautiful babies. I was so overjoyed to see a post from you.
I cannot wait to hear that you are all home safe and sound.
I'm sure that the babies can't wait to see their froggy bedding. :-)
Much love to you all,

P.S. FWIW, the anonymous poster had no business telling you what to do with your son.

Whether anyone agrees or not, this was not the place for her to attack you.

(and my boys are not circumcised)

Anonymous said...

Mozel Tov Karen! You made it!!! What great names, especially Abby :)

ms. c said...

Mazal tov again Karen. It's great to hear from you. You sound fantastic!
Your baby girls have beautiful names. I can't wait to hear about Smiley. I hope your three angels bring you and Seth infine nachos.

Chris said...

It's soo good to "hear" from you - especially sounding so overjoyed. Your girlies have beautiful names (naturally, since they're such beautiful babies). Hopefully Smiley will be "official" soon.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Karen, so good to hear from you yourself! I am so glad you are well! And pumping! I am so glad you are pumping! You are amazing!

Thank you so much for taking the time to post, for telling us a bit about the babies, about their personalities and your and your husband's relationship with them so far, by way of telling us about their names, both official and placeholder.

What lovely names. How wonderful that they have meaning applicable to the circumstances. Are they also in memory of anyone?

I had been imagining the girls having been named on YK. I think that is really nice. It struck me, however, that I know nothing of the procedure for multiple girls. How does the misheberach distinguish in absentia which girl is being named which name?

I am so glad you are home and doing well. I assume all three babies are doing generally well. I hope they all come home soon.

May your new children live happy lives.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I can't believe that anonymous comment about the bris. I'm sure that commenter posted out of feelings of care and concern, but seriously, this is not the time or place for that.

And would such an assaultive comment do much to convince anyone anyway? That was not a good and helpful way to express care and concern, to offer ideas and assistance.

And it's pretty ignorant to be advocating against circumcision and at the same time advocate for a medical circumcision under general anesthesia, which brings with it many risks and problems, over a ritual bris.

Hmmm, all Jewish men must have completely ruined sex lives, eh?

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Those names are GORGEOUS. They are both perfect. I'm so glad that you're doing well. We missed you a lot yesterday. So excited to hear the birth story et al.

Anonymous said...

I am delurking to say congratulations on your gorgeous babies. My older DD is also named Eliana, and it is indeed a strong and beautiful name. I wish that she, and your other two lovely children, bring you as much joy as my Ellie has brought me.

The Murray Crew said...

Congratulations just doesn't seem "enough" for multiples. There needs to be a much greater and fuller word to express a joy of celebration for these precious lives who are now with us! I can relate with those pumping days at the "dairy farm". It's such a gift for you to give them, just do what you can. It's all bonus from here! Great work, mama! Let me know if I can help you out by answering any questions.
Jen Murray, Quad Mom to 4 Boys

decemberbaby said...

Karen, I love those names... my top two for girls, actually. But you can have 'em, you earned them many times over! They are gorgeous babies... and I can't wait to find out what you're calling smiley.

I can't wait to read all about the birth, and then all about your babies growing up with J... so much nachas to look forward to!

The Amazing Trips said...

Great, it sounds like you and the babies are doing so well. I'm thrilled for you!!

So, have you bought yourself a hands free pump bra?? Definitely a necessity what with all the pumping you'll be doing.

I love the girls names. They are certainly fitting for such beautiful children!! Stay well.

Malky B. said...

Tears in my eyes too while reading your post. I am so happy for you. You sound like your doing great! Beautiful baby names. We give you a shout out on episode #28. It should be out in the next few days. Some thing else you can do while pumping - podcast listening! Just a thought.

Erin said...

Mazel Tov to all of you as you are now a family of 6! Even though the constant pumping and exhaustion, your joy simply shines through the computer in your words. I love your daughters' names and cannot wait to hear your son's name!

Casey's trio said...

It's so nice to read an update from you! Congratulations again Karen. What beautiful names you picked for your daughters. Can't wait to hear what baby boy is named! Many, many, many blessings to you and yours:)

Anonymous said...

And how else could I try and save her son, Cherie?

Not the time or the place? karen never mentioned that she was planning to circumcise before now. It'll be too late once those nerves are gone, they're gone and she'll have to live with a lifetime of gulit and he'll have to live with a lifetime of not knowing what it is to be whole.

And advocating for at least a general? Haven't you heard men who've been circumcised as adults tell how much it hurts? If he's going to have bed sex forever and have to use aids to masturbate then at least he can be saved from the agony.

olivia said...

its amazing how this journey has touched so many people. I have been bragging about my overachieving preggy friend to everyone I know...and now that the babies are finally here, my heart feels like exploding with joy. i am so so so happy for you and seth.

nickoletta100 said...

Just want to reiterate again how very, very happy I am for you, DH and the babies. So glad everyone is happy and healthy!!! Best wishes to you all.

Kelly said...

Mozel Tov Karen! I've always wanted to say that. Seriously you have done a tremendous job, mama.