Tuesday, August 28, 2007

hangin' in

A couple people have emailed to ask why I've been so quiet (and I got at least one comment on the blog about it as well). I'm mostly quiet because I'm exhausted. I have little energy for anything. I wrote last Friday that I don't feel nearly as horrible as I would have expected to feel, and that's still true, but I had imagined feeling truly, utterly, unbearably horrible, so it's all relative.

I've gotten to a point that walking the 20 feet from my bed to my bathroom is excruciating not only for the time it takes, but the physical pain and exhaustion that it causes as a result. It's worse in the morning than afternoon, but it's not pleasant no matter what. I don't sleep well, but I can't keep my eyes open half the time anyway. I know I'm in the home stretch, and I'm grateful for that. In a lot of ways, I think I'll miss having my little parasites inside me in a few weeks, but otherwise, I'm also looking forward to a time when getting up out of bed is no longer a two-person, five-minute effort.

I'm not complaining. I'm really not. Heaven knows I never thought this would be easy. And I certainly can't say I didn't ask for this (well, yes I can... I was pretty specific that I wanted a singleton, but that's another story). But I knew the risks. And as cheesy as it sounds, I love these babies even though they're not even here yet. So it's not a complaint. Just an explanation for why I've been quiet. That, and I've been spending a fair bit of time on and off the stupid monitor because the contractions haven't quit. Made some more changes to my medications today, though, so hopefully that will help in the next couple days.

Tomorrow I will be 30 weeks. I'll have my growth ultrasound to see how the babies are growing, and they'll check my cervix to make sure it's stable. And hopefully, I'll be told that I've got another four weeks of growing to do. Maybe I'll even have the energy after the appointment to post about it. Right now, I really have to go to bed and snuggle with my snoogle.


Casey's trio said...

Hooray for 30 weeks Karen! How awesome for you and your kiddos. I know it's not easy to hang in there with all the aches and pains and discomfort, but the parasites will be here soon enough:) I am looking SO forward to finding out the sexes and names when they are born. I hope things continue to look good at your growth ultrasound.

Anonymous said...

It's tomorrow; congrats on 30 weeks!

I've gotten to a point that walking the 20 feet from my bed to my bathroom is excruciating not only for the time it takes, but the physical pain and exhaustion that it causes as a result.

Please be sure to report this change to your doctor at the appointment.

Can you use a walker to help you get to the bathroom?

The Amazing Trips said...

How lucky that you can still sleep in a bed!! I think I had moved out to the couch at around 28 weeks or so - laying down flat was definitely not an option.

It will be over soon and you'll have your body back. It's impossible to believe, but it's true. Hang in there, you're doing great!

Cindy said...

Rooting for you and praying for a good growth ultrasound appointment, ease in your discomfort and 4 more weeks of baby cooking! You're doing great!!

Rachel Inbar said...

Here's wishing you a calmer, less painful 4 (or more) weeks with your babies on the inside.

It doesn't sound fun, but it seems you've kept your eyes on the end result and that's really what matters.

Hang in there!

Shelby said...

Congrats on 30 weeks! Another down, 4 more to go! That's really fantastic. I'm sorry you're so tired, I can't imagine how exhausting it is to have 3 inside! 1 is hard enough! Hopefully your appointment will be a success, and the medication changes will help a lot.

I'm thinking about you and the little ones!

pam said...

Ack, you are my hero! I hope I have as good of an attitude when I'm at 30 weeks.

Hope the appointment goes well and that the babies want to stay cookin' a bit longer. :)

LJ said...

I agree on the walker idea, or even maybe a good physical therapist who can recommend safe and comfortable ways to move around? That or we all just come over and give you grapes and bon bons...

Matt said...

30 Weeks such a huge milestone for your babies!!!! Way to go!

Honestly, the fatigue and pain will only get worse. But I PROMISE YOU---once the babies are born it will only be affirmed that it was all worth it.

megan said...

good to hear you're hanging in there. lj's right -- it would be great if you could talk to a physio and get some ideas to make yourself more comfortable.
congrats on 30 weeks....just a few more to go, right?

Natalie said...

30 weeks, wow, that's awesome. I'm so so glad you've made it to this point. We'll be watching for the big news, hang in there with all the sleeping and don't worry about posting for us unless you really can:-)

ms. c said...

I'm glad to hear that all is well, relatively speaking. (I, too, was starting to worry...)
Hang in there, babies- just 4 more weeks! (Can they hear that?) I hope your appointment went well.

Anonymous said...

30 weeks - wow. Congrats on that. And of course you're exhausted! Post when you can, not when you feel you should. We're all thinking of you.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Rest. Growing one baby is hard enough. Growing triplets is MORE than three times the effort.

Kelly said...

Good job, Mama! 30 weeks is just amazing. Around this time in my pregnancy, I had a trapeze installed on my hopsital bed to help me get in and out. As freaky as it looked, I have to admit it helped. Too bad they don't have those at the hardware store for in-home use!

Hayley said...

YAY for 30 weeks! You can start crossing the days off of the calendar now! Hopefully things will still be brilliant, and your babies will hang in there for a little longer.

dmarie said...

Wow--30 weeks! I'm so happy you guys have made it. I'm sorry movement is such a struggle for you. I know that's got to be so hard. As always, if you need anything--I'm not that far.