Thursday, March 08, 2007

More on this morning's scan

A few thoughts now that I've got a few minutes...

When I called my husband to tell him I've potentially got two monsters growing... he responded, characteristically, with "Hooray!" "Hooray??" I demanded, incredulously. "What do you mean hooray?" Somehow it irritated me that my first reaction was "oh sh-t" and his first reaction was "hooray." Just goes to show how much cooler he is than me. But when I expressed a little bit of concern about the potential for twins, he said, "well, then, I guess you've got a present for Dr. Amazing."

So, right. Twins are cool, right? Sure. And you know, it's super early and no one actually knows what's going to happen. I shouldn't count my fetbryos before they're hatched or anything. This could turn into one or none. So what's my problem? It's so ridiculous it's embarrassing. I had a lovely email exchange with Mel about it, which summed it up quite nicely, I think:

It's not that I don't think twins are great. I love twins. Are you ready for my
sheer stupidity? I am utterly terrified of having a c-section. Twins, of course,
would increase my risk of a c-section. Now, I'm no newbie to surgery, so it's
not the c-section itself that bothers me. Are you ready for the completely
stupid part of all of this? The thing that's making it hard for me to breath
just thinking about it? Are you sitting down?, because this is phenomenally
stupid. I am seriously and violently petrified of having a needle in my back.
Spinal, epidural, whatever, I DON'T WANT IT! I'm not even needle-phobic. That's
the dumbest part. I have no problem with a needle anywhere else.

See? Proof that I'm completely insane. I'm like three seconds pregnant with
maybe-twins and I'm freaking out about an epidural that may never have to happen
(and could happen with a singleton anyway). I am a total nutjob.

And there you have it. I'm a freak. Totally. I should add that my husband, a pharmacist, has never understood my aversion to epidurals. His thoughts are pretty much in line with "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." He feels like if his wife is in pain and there are drugs that can make the pain stop, then his wife should take drugs. I disagree. This is something we argue disagree about regularly, as I have a tendency to forget that pain medicine can make my chronic pain go away, or at least be slightly less debilitating.

Some more random stuff...

I think I have a UTI. I cannot begin to tell you how much this irritates me (I almost wrote "how much this pisses me off" but realized that was a poor choice of words). I mean, it's not enough that I have the thirst of a thousand dehydrated maidens? It's not enough that the consequence of this thirst is that I have to pee all the time? Now it has to be painful when I pee too?? Please to be esplainin' because I'm really not getting God's sense of humour on this one. Anywhozit, I talked to my nurse at Shady Hell and asked whether I should call my primary doctor or my OB and she said either one works. Okay then. I have an appointment with my primary doctor tomorrow. Yippee.

Speaking of my nurse, she called me this afternoon to schedule my next scan. Dr. Amazing had said to come back in a week, so I'd scheduled it for the 15th. Once I got to work I looked at my meeting agenda and realized that the 15th is NO GOOD AT ALL. My nurse rocks, though, and she rescheduled it for Friday the 16th. She said if I wanted to wait until the 20th, I could have Dr. Amazing. And I really want Dr. Amazing, but I don't know that I love the idea of waiting that long! The other option was to schedule it for Wednesday the 14th, but I don't want that for two reasons: 1. Dr. Evil will be covering monitoring that day. Remember him? Yeah. Apparently my nurse doesn't love him either, though she's quick to say that from a medical standpoint, he's great. 2. I want there to be an extra couple of days for growth so that maybe there's something more useful to see.

Did I mention that I love my nurse? She has IVF twins (teenagers now) and has a real sense of humour about them. So when she called she said, "How's it going, mom?" And I responded with, "remember how you told me my first beta was 228 and I said 'there better not be more than one in there...'? and you swore that 228 was a respectable singleton beta? thanks a lot!" So she says, she can't think of a better person for this to happen to and said that one really has to have a good sense of humour to raise twins without strangling them. I will take that as a compliment. I think. I also told her my epidural fears and she said she was the exact same way. And apparently I'm not the only nutjob out there, because lots of women feel as I do. Or so she says.

And, hey! Let's not forget that I needn't worry about any of this yet.... since this could all go south tomorrow! Let the fun begin!


Watson said...


Lots of news for me to catch up on, lady!

First of all, CONGRATS! I hope everything works out for you, be it one or two!

And secondly, you're so NOT a nut job. Really, I like to think we ALL have our 'things,' you know, just those quirks that seem odd to others but make total sense to us?

Maybe I just like to think that because I have so many myself...that's a scary thought.

Anyhoo, much luck in the coming weeks and months and I wish you all the best!!!

Erin said...

Wow, congratulations! What great news to read!

I can completely and utterly understand your desire to avoid an epidural--that's what made me want to take Bradley classes in the first place. No way was anyone getting near my spinal cord with a 3 inch needle. And tell your husband that I have a Ph.D. in pharmacology, and I still wasn't about to put those drugs into my body or my baby's body. Remind him that it's not just your body being affected by drugs. He should know very well that drugs cross the placenta. When you're ready, you should look into Bradley classes. They completely converted my husband (who had the same attitude as yours). OK, off my soapbox!

In any event, I'm hoping for the very, very best for you!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Twins rock--that's all there is to it. If it turns into a singleton, I will tell you that singletons rock instead. But right now, you're pregnant with twins. You're pregnant. And I'm choosing to focus solely on the here and now. How is that for Little Miss Sunshine?

Hope the UTI has cleared up. That's the one thing that sucks about UTIs and pregnancy--they have to give you the weak-ass drugs that never seem to work on the first try.