Thursday, January 11, 2007

IUI #5

Not having many positive thoughts about this morning's IUI. S woke up wretching this morning, having apparently caught J's stomach virus. Poor thing. We almost called the whole thing off, but S said if I could drive him, he'd do his best. And do his best, he did. Smallest count on record (6.5 million as opposed to last time which was closer to 30 million), but Dr. Amazing said anything over 5 million is great.

When we first arrived at Shady Hell, I thought that Dr. Evil was going to do the IUI, and I was decidedly unhappy about that. He's rarely at the Rockville office, which is a blessing to me, because I really can't stand him one bit. Fortunately, it turned out that Dr. Amazing came down to do the IUI, which was great. Still, I don't think the odds are particularly high considering how sick S was this morning (he's sleeping now). I'm fairly certain that I will get sick soon too, since it's gone through J and S already. Fortunately, it will be too eary for even ME to delude myself into thinking it's pregnancy-related nausea.

Do you know how sick I am? I'm vaguely considering peeing on a stick since the hCG shot is probably still in me just so I can see those two lines ONCE this cycle. Yeah, I'm a sicko. I'm not going to do it, but I was seriously considering it. Then I realized I've done that before, but never gotten a positive pee-stick just from the hCG trigger. Is that odd? Well, whatever. I'm definitely odd, so I am probably asking silly questions.

Either way, my beta is 1/26. Perfect timing to ruin my birthday, which is 1/29. No problem, since, like I said, I'm not particularly counting on a positive result, no pun intended.


Unknown said...

I saw your comment on Disenchanted's blog and wondered why you were not going to be able to adopt your foster child? I work for CPS and usually the Court prefers an adoption over a long-term foster care situation, so I was just curious?!

Anonymous said...

my daughter had the stomach flu and then my husband got it the next week. I some how managed to avoid getting it so maybe you'll be lucky too. Happy upcoming birthday!