Monday, December 04, 2006

Enough Already

You know what? If my body wants to have stupid timing, I'm not just going to sit idly by watching time pass, listening to the tick tock that is driving me mad. Mad I tell you!


I have made an appointment with Yet Another Doctor (YAD) at Shady Hell. Dr. T is still on maternity leave for a couple weeks, so I decided not to just wait for her, but I don't especially want to go back to Dr. S. Because while he is a fine, fine doctor, I want to mix it up a bit. Plus, I'm not required to stick with one doctor. After all, as they constantly remind us, all the doctors work as a team. This is how they get around the jabs from other clinics about the "revolving door of doctors." Actually, I don't mind the team approach. It leaves me more free to shop around within the clinic.

Anyway, by some miracle, YAD has an appointment available this Thursday! I missed work all of last week, so I thought that wouldn't work for me, because I didn't want to miss yet another day of work (YADW). But he actually had a 5pm appointment available! How unbelievable! I didn't know they even stayed open that late! He must be the only one. I love him already. I mean, I liked him in the first place, having already seen him in several monitoring appointments. But now I lurve him! I don't even have to miss work conspicuously! How fortunate! Hooray.

I know it's a bit ridiculous, but I'm just completely antsy about doing yet another IUI (YAIUI). I know that since it worked once, it's likely to work again. But how many IUIs will it take to get to the point of success again? The individual cycle success rates are around 20-25% at best. There's no reason for me to believe that one more IUI will do it. But I have much better reason to believe that one or two IVFs will yield success. I'm not saying they won't fail too... I'm just saying that the individual cycle odds are much higher. And yes, they suck more, but I can live with that. I want a baby. I want one soon. Because I'm greedy and I want more than one in the long run. So no matter how young I am right now, I'm not getting any younger, and I'm only going to be older when I start this mess again (if I even can, given the current insurance situation).

So am I whining? Yeah. Have I turned into the dreaded pushy patient who doesn't sit idly by listening to the doctors? Yup. Well, that's not entirely fair. If YAD listens to me and gives me a compelling reason not to move on, I will probably listen. The thing is, I do believe that there are compelling medical reasons to stay with IUI. However, I don't think I've heard a compelling reason not to skip to IVF (with the possible exception of the increased risk of OHSS for PCOS patients, but even that's pretty minimal).


Ms. Perky said...

My Reality -
I do have coverage for both the IVF and the drugs. I also have a lot of drugs pooled from my last IUI and my friend's leftover gonal-f pens (her cycle is complete and she's very pregnant now). At any rate, the drugs have a $35 copay each time I refill them. Which can add up, but is far less than the full cost of the drugs, obviously.

It seems that Shady Hell isn't as motivated by money as one would think... since the last time I said to one of the doctors that I wanted to move to IVF he asked me to indulge him in a few more IUIs. But I'm just so tired of it all. And I just can't risk running out of insurance coverage, either. You'd think they'd really want me doing IVF for their stats, too... there's every reason to believe that I will be a successful IVF patient who would not make their stats go down.

It's all really annoying.

Thalia said...

Me too for IVF. The IUI figures just aren't good enough.

ms. c said...

Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for your comments on my blog. Knowing that your situation is similar and that your treament has been silmilar too (ie: agonizing low doses!) really helps. Thanks for stoping by.
I'm gonna add you to my list, and read back a bit to catch up with you. Good luck with YAD. I second what Reality and Thalia say.