Friday, October 06, 2006

Never a dull moment

Ridiculous amounts of TMI ahead.  Don't want TMI?  Then don't read it!
This cramping and bleeding thing?  It has GOT to stop.  I mean, I'm all for the fact that I now know there's a reason for it.   And I'm all for the fact that it's not a life-threatening or pregnancy-threatening condition.  But for heaven's sake, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH already! 
Every time I over do it even the teeniest bit, it's like the dam breaks and the cramping blows up to disproportionate amounts and the whole world feels like it's ending.  For something that's "no big deal" this subchorionic shmorionic hemawhatever is COMPLETELY ANNOYING.
Thank heavens that everything really is fine and the fetbryo looks great and it's all good.  I have to keep remembering that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogger wouldn't let me post earlier, but it looks ok now.

Glad you got an ultrasound and you have one more notch to know that everything is going good. Sorry you have to go through all this and cant enjoy your pregnancy without fear. I know the Drs. are telling you it's "no big deal" but it's ok to feel like it is a big deal, and it's ok to feel worried. It's a big deal to you even if it's not to them. Try to take it easy, both mentally and physically.

And with all that lifting you did the other day, I think carrying the batch basil was just overdoing it.